The Village Hall has a new canopy

Antony, Marc and Richard spent an afternoon putting up a new canopy above the entrance door at the Village Hall to protect visitors from the bad weather when entering the hall.  The Committee is always looking to improve the facilities of our lovely hall to make it more welcoming to users.  

2024-10-20T16:02:40+01:00October 20th, 2024|Categories: Hall improvements|0 Comments

Macmillan Coffee Morning

We held a very successful coffee morning in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support on Saturday, 28 September.  Many villagers and friends turned up to enjoy fresh coffee, tea, home made cakes and convivial chat and we raised an amazing £437 to help support those living with cancer. Macmillan Coffee Morning

2024-10-20T15:50:18+01:00October 20th, 2024|Categories: Events|0 Comments

Upkeep of the Hall

The Committee regularly assesses the fabric of the Hall to ensure that it is kept in good condition and provides a pleasant experience for hirers. In 2020 the Hall was completely redecorated inside to give it a refreshed feel including the refurbishment of the floor. In 2021 we installed new more efficient wall heaters in

2023-12-12T11:30:43+00:00December 12th, 2023|Categories: Village Hall|Tags: |0 Comments

Calendar of Events

On Saturday, 16 December at 5pm, the Committee welcomes local residents to Christmas Carols in the Hall with mince pies and mulled wine.  A chance to meet and chat with friends before the festive season really begins.  We ask for a donation of £5 from adult attendees and all proceeds go towards the upkeep of

2023-12-12T11:26:54+00:00December 12th, 2023|Categories: Events|Tags: , |0 Comments

70th Anniversary of the Village Hall Committee

The first Annual General Meeting of Hammerwood & Holtye Hall was held on 15 August 1950, so this year is our 70th anniversary year. In 1950 the Hall had a bank balance of £7.5s 11d.  The annual income was £4 16s 0d,  annual expenditure £3.3s 3d – happiness according to Mr Micawber.  In order to

2020-12-15T12:22:08+00:00December 15th, 2020|Categories: History, Village Hall|Tags: |0 Comments

Pop Up Café

During the last couple of years the Hammerwood & Holtye Hall Committee has warmly welcomed residents and their guests to our now famous Pop Up Café events.  These are usually held on Saturday mornings where we sell delicious home made cakes, biscuits, fresh coffee, tea and soft drinks.  The free refills keep our guests coming

2020-12-01T15:30:27+00:00November 24th, 2020|Categories: Events, Village Hall|Tags: , |0 Comments
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